Monday, April 19, 2010


The video conferencing using iChat is neat and could be very useful when you need to speak to someone who's not in the same room as you. The recording of our voices in garageband was cool as well. I think these tools would be very useful in the classroom if it's set up with macs. Students in different classes would be able to collaborate on projects and share information this way.
The film clips we gathered and worked on was also a neat thing to do. I've done some work similar to this in my multi media class in undergard. I could see how this could be useful becuase sometimes there are just parts of movies or several clips that may be helpful to students so using this program, teachers can string them together and cut parts out to enhance the point they are trying to make.

1 comment:

  1. Using iChat to collaborate with students in other classrooms is a fantastic idea, I hadn't even thought of that! There are so many possibilities for using iChat as an educational tool that are coming to my mind now (like interviews). It all seems so exciting!
