Tuesday, April 6, 2010

iPad Prediction

My prediction for the iPad is that it will not take off and it will not become the "new thing to have." Even with it's many "useful" features I feel like it doesn't do enough for today's world users. Even in schools, where it may get it's biggest lead in the market, I feel like it will need to be used for such a wide variety of tasks that it will not be able to keep up. In theory, the iPad seems wonderful, extremely portable, does lots of stuff, etc. but if most households already have a desktop and at least one laptop, why go for an iPad? It's just more money down the drain especially if it doesn't catch on. Those who would have gotten an iPad are stuck with something that will be forgotten about tomorrow. Now, i'm not trying to be cynical but the more technology that floods our markets, the more picky people become. New technology needs to meet a demand and I just don't see the demand for the iPad. If I am totally off base and the iPad does become the "next best thing" then I'll take back what I've said but for now I'm sticking with this!

1 comment:

  1. You raise some good points that I had not thought about. Like if a household has both a desktop and a laptop computer, why would they buy an iPad? Also, the more technology offered within the market creates a pickier buyer. Both of those arguments are valid and make sense. However, I still think that iPads will take over.
