Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Media, copy writing, etc.

Without media (dvd players, tivo, cd player, etc.) humans would have very different forms of entertainment. I would actually be curious to go back, change history, come back to the present time and see what we would be doing for fun but seeing as I can't do that I'll just imagine on my own time.
The actions of lawmakers have decided what would be considered piracy, copy writing infringement, etc. and then taken products off the market that violate such laws. This has shaped what we come to know as different forms of entertainment today but have they gone too far? or not far enough? If I were taking into account the lack of parenting I see when I sub and talk to other teachers, students and faculty as well as the massive amounts of technology produced purely for entertainment and not for anything educational, I would have to say that law makers/decision makers have not done enough. Although taking entertainment products off the market or stopping them before they could be made would probably be violating some of our rights or something like that... Ok, enough ranting!


  1. If the Chris Martenson scenario comes true, we might find out what a world without technology looks like.

    I think it's going to be interesting going forward.


  2. Interesting yes! Scary as well if you ask me!!!! :(

  3. What an eyeopening blog! I had not even thought about this side of the topic... Now I have more "what if" thoughts to ponder! Seriously though, the questions you raise do make me think about technology and how it connects to our lives.
